My Life

About Me and High School- A Collab with The Adventuring Girl!

Hi all!:)

Faith from The Adventuring Girl  and I did a collab recently – we created questions for each other to answer on our school experiences. I’ve never really talked about my high school experience specifically on this blog, so here you go – my answers to Faith’s lovely questions.

1. Best class and worst class and why.

In terms of grades, AP European history is my best class, and I love it! The class is so much fun- we do all sorts of simulations and activities thanks to my terrific AP Euro teacher. In one simulation we did for World War I, we overturned the desks to construct
“trenches”, crouched behind them, and threw marshmallows at each other. In terms of a favorite class, though, AP Euro comes in at a close second behind chemistry. Science is my passion.

I have the lowest grade in math right now:( but I’m sure that I can pull it up! And I don’t really hate math as much as some other people do. And as for my least favorite class, it would probably have to be AP Spanish- it’s a bit of a duller class and it’s right before lunch. 

2. Do you have any great friends at school?  If so, describe them and the best things about them.

Yes! I have one best friend in particular who has been my best friend for literally a decade; since the first grade! We seem to be attached at the hip. She’s smart, funny, and of course super kind and supportive of everything I do- I just love her.  She’s the first person I go to if I need a shoulder to cry on. I also have some other fantastic friends that I’ll probably talk more about later: one is learning many languages; he knows enough to get around with at least 4-5 of them. Another friend is an amazing listener and giver of compliments/ encouragement. 

3. What do you wear to school?

My schools doesn’t have uniforms, as most public schools here don’t. I always dress down for school- I’m ever the wallflower:) I wear whatever is comfortable (read: stretchy yoga pants/athletic pants, plain long-sleeved shirts or cuter T-shirts and ALWAYS running or tennis shoes). No, I am not very fashionable.

4. Describe your favorite teacher ever.

My favorite teacher, being completely honest, was rather eccentric, and not my favorite in terms of personality. I’m just going to call them “they”, because this teacher would be immediately recognizable to anyone going to my school. They were rather cynical and pessimistic, but in the most hilarious way. They loved making fun school district. The teacher scared us so much on the first day of school! But we later found that the teacher, while they didn’t care about us on a personal level, cared about us as students and was a real softie in a certain sense.  They were the best teacher I’ve ever had- that most of us have ever had. Their lectures were amazing and we really learned to think critically in their class.

5. What do you dislike the most about your school?

The school counselors, oh my God. They are simply awful. They are supposed to help us with choosing classes, adjusting our schedules, helping us get to college, etc., but fail rather miserably. They simply don’t seem to care about us. Also, they try to discourage you from taking high-level classes- something I have experienced firsthand. Although this is good, as they’re trying to prevent students from stressing themselves out, sometimes we can handle the workload. Some of the counselors are also lazy; a friend of mine wanted a schedule change and the counselor didn’t help her, practically saying that she should go change it herself, some other way. {The counselors are the ones who change schedules}. GAHHH

6. What do you most enjoy about your school?

The people who go to my school, most of the teachers, the location, our campus, our open campus… oh wait. I’m only supposed to choose one thing. Oh well, I’ll just keep all of them- sorry! 😂 Also, my school is extremely diverse- it’s joked that white people are a minority at my school.  Most of the teachers genuinely care about us, and many of them are also alumni from our school, which makes searching through old school yearbooks a real treat. My fellow students are, for the most part, kind and unique human beings. My school’s campus is lovely (relatively). And we have an open campus, which means that during lunch, we can wander off wherever we want off campus. We are near some shopping centers and places where you can eat, including a boba (tapioca pearl) tea shop, Starbucks, and a McDonalds.  They are crammed with high schoolers during our lunchtime. 

I hope that you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me and about my high school:) Please make sure to check out my questions for Faith here. Also make sure to check out her blog and give her some likes or follows! She is amazing, and this collab was so much fun to do with her!

Xoxo, c.

Cate 😊

7 thoughts on “About Me and High School- A Collab with The Adventuring Girl!”

  1. This was lots of fun to read. 🙂
    I feel so bad when you talked about how bad your school counselors are…I want to be school counselor, and I can’t believe the counselors at your school are that insensitive and, well, lazy. Ugh! I don’t even understand why someone would bother to be a school counselor if they don’t even want to help and assist their students. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s fantastic that you want to be a school counselor! I think it’s a great job, and you are so nice that I’m sure you’ll be good at it:)
      I completely agree on that- we all wonder why they chose this job, haha. They certainly aren’t well suited for it, but some of them at my school do try! The counselors just get lazy sometimes..
      I’m glad this was a fun read! and thank you for reading xx


    1. Yes, minus the counselors xD That’s nice that you had some days when you could wear whatever you wanted. I personally wouldn’t like to wear a uniform, as I do put considerable emphasis on comfort. Thanks so much for reading!:) xx


  2. Aw thank you! I had so much fun doing this, too. I loved getting to know more about you and your school – it’s so cool to get to know people you’ve never met through blogging. =) I loved your answers, they were so much more in depth than mine were. and your school sounds really cool. xx

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